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Opening of bank accounts

Account in an international bank - reliable protection of funds and their operational management. Consul Group is familiar with all the nuances of opening operating, savings and investment accounts in international banks for individuals and legal entities.
The specialists of our company have up-to-date information on all changes in the world banking system, new requirements and policies of banks to certain applicants for opening an account. Nowadays opening an account in any bank process is quite laborious, regular consultations are held with all financial institutions with which we cooperate. This helps us to choose the optimal bank for the client's requirements and shortens the process of opening a bank account.

The Consul Group cooperates in more than 100 banks around the world. Our clients are always selected by the most reliable banks with a good reputation in the banking market, with low tariffs for account maintenance and multilingual staff for the convenience of the client.

Consul Group helps you to open the following accounts:

  • Personal savings accounts
  • Personal investment accounts
  • Corporate accounts
  • Merchant accounts for e-commerce activities

There is an opportunity to open accounts remotely, without a personal visit to the bank. This saves time and money for our customers.

The terms of opening an account depending on the jurisdiction of the bank are from 10 to 30 working days.

Leave the request right now - we will select the optimal bank and account type, taking into account your interests and field of activity, we will complete all necessary documents.